Friday, February 15, 2013

MicroKorg Synth Candy

Here a Korg, there a Korg.

The microKORG is a MIDI-capable virtual analog synthesizer/vocoder from Korg featuring high-quality DSP analog modelling. The synth/keyboard buids on the classic synth Korg MS-2000, using a more robust (and programmable) step arpeggiator, a very cool (ie: fun) eight band vocoder, and real-time control knobs.

Full CleverJoe article: MicroKorg Synthesizer page

For other Korg synth reviews check out Joe's:

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

In the mood for a Little Phatty?

Time for a Little Phatty?

See CleverJoe's for all the deets and info:
CleverJoe's Little Phatty Stage II Page

  • The Little Phatty is one of the few Moog synthesizers to utilize MIDI (others include Minimoog Voyager and the earlier Memorymoog+), making it a breeze to use in the recording studio or live on stage.
  • Plug any instrument-level or line-level audio signal in this jack to combine with the oscillator and noise signals prior to filtering.
  • Tap Tempo lets you simply tap in your own tempo when there is no MIDI clock available.

  • The Little Phatty was the first Moog product to be produced following Robert Moog's death.