Monday, February 14, 2005

The Artist's Way, A Guide for Blocked Musicians and Artists

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

So you're a musician, artist, writer, poet, painter... name the particular tune - it's all related. The fact is, we're all naturally creative people, no question. And as creative beings, we all become blocked from time to time, and we're not talking suppositories. It happens to the best of us. Creativity... sigh. It can be a quirky monkey-mind type of affair. CleverJoe recently picked up his still-new and somewhat shiny copy of the Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. Bought in an excited moment many moons ago, the book offered the opportunity of reclaiming the natural flow of creative juices - a return to all the dreams and possibilities that childhood boldly lays on the table. For many of us, it's easy to become bogged down in the 'every day' of adulthood, which, if we're not careful, can end up stretching far and away into and endless series of tomorrows.

So now once again this guide seems like exactly the right moment for a revisit. Happy Valentine's Day all, if you have a sweetie, consider writing them a list of the top 50 things you love about them. If you don't have anyone to snuggle with, trying writing a guilt-free list of 50 things you love about yourself, including that freckle behind your left knee. It can be quite therapeutic and re-affirming process whether you are in a relationship or not.

And if you have a chance, be sure to check out Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way. It could change your life, or at least your socks:






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